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Class Profile Form

Congratulations! You are now a Member of the Second Class of the Foundry. Now, we need some information from you. One of the main functions of the Foundry website is to showcase its class members and their work product.

Your Class Profile Module: We’ll create a profile module for each new member of the class. The module will contain a photo, social media coordinates of the member’s choosing, and brief biographical information. The website will list all the members’ profile modules on the “Class” page. Below is a mockup of an individual member profile module:


Please fill in the form to the right so that we can build a profile page for you with your preferred information. The information that will be publicly displayed on the site are your photo, your first/last name, your preferred publicly-accessible social media coordinates, and your biographical info if you choose to submit it. As soon as you submit your profile information we’ll get to work creating your profile module. You can request a change or edit at any time by emailing the Foundry Exec Board at [email protected].

[contact-form-7 id=”4402″ title=”Foundry Registration”]

*This information will be displayed publicly

**This information will NOT be displayed publicly. For internal purposes only.