Jonathan Perez is an Assistant District Attorney in Kings County New York. He holds a leadership position at the New York City Bar on Internet law and technology, and as a founder of various diversity initiatives.
As a former political aide, and policy helper at Facebook, Jonathan is interested in the variety of ways that internet technology and “privacy” has influenced our understanding of public defense, prosecution, and justice more generally.
As a former adjunct professor at Hunter College, Jonathan taught work on multicultural studies and English literature, focused on constitutional notions of justice in American narratives of belonging.
Jonathan also has formerly held a post-graduate position at the New York Attorney General’s Office in the Bureau for Internet Technology Prosecution.
He has previously given lectures on how identity politics affect our collective understanding of personal belonging through various “new mediums” like technology at Harvard University, the William Jefferson Clinton Institute for American Studies in Dublin, Ireland, and Dartmouth College’s Summer Institute for American Studies.
He has received a Master’s degree from the University of Virginia, a law degree from American University Washington College of Law, and the Edward V. Sparer public interest fellowship from Brooklyn Law School, during his first year.
He looks forward to working with future groups to achieve greater parity as new tech continues to reveal new needs for leaders to address.